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आर्मी भर्ती अग्निपथ ✋

आर्मी भर्ती अग्निपथ ✋

आर्मी भर्ती अग्निपथ ✋

भारत सरकार के द्वारा आर्मी भर्ती के लिए एक नए नियम जारी किए गए अदा भारत में 4 0 0 0 0 से 70000  सैलरी जरिए भारत में सेना भर्ती होने की संभावना है और अग्निपथ नाम दिया गया इस भर्ती का यह भर्ती क्या क्या क्या बदलाव लाएंगे भारत में इंडियन आर्मी एक फोर्स है जो कि भारत की शान है इंडियन आर्मी चेयरमैन भारतीय सेना तथा भारत में सेना भर्ती की सरकार के द्वारा एक नई योजना लाई है इस योजना का नाम अग्नीपथ रखा गया जो आर्मी भर्ती होंगे इसके पास थल सेना वायु सेना जल सेना में  युवक की भर्ती होगी सैनिकों की भर्ती होगी अग्निवीर का नाम दिया गया भारत की सेना का हिस्सा बन के जो नागरिक देश की सेवा करना चाहते हैं उनके लिए एक बहुत बड़ा अवसर है जो देश प्रेम से जुड़ना चाहते हैं और मातृभूमि की सेवा करने की इच्छा रखने छात्र रखना चाहते हैं ऐसे युवा और को मौका मिलने की उम्मीद है इस प्रतियोगिता में अग्निपथ की घोषणा की गई एक आर्मी भर्ती निकलेगी और सैनिकों की को अग्निवीर का नाम दिया गया रक्षा मंत्रालय के वरिष्ठ मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह ने बताया कि सुरक्षा के संबंध में यह कैबिनेट में यह पास किया गया भारत में सबसे बड़ा एक नया बदलाव लेकर आएगी और राजनाथ से  बताया की जो भर्ती होगी वह अग्निपथ भर्ती का नाम दिया गया और जो जवानो  और जो नवयुवक जवान जो इस भर्ती में शामिल होंगे उनको अग्नीपथ का नाम दिया आर्मी भर्ती के सैनिकों को आ गया और सुशासन में कैबिनेट मंत्री ने इसका फैसला लिया ने कहा कि अग्निपथ योजना  हैं भारत में वह हमारी सेना में एक नया बदलाव लाएंगे और लेफ्टिनेंट जनरल और सेना में भर्ती प्रक्रिया को नाम दिया गया और इसके बारे में विस्तार से बताया कि भारत में या भर्ती योग्यता के हिसाब से होंगे इसमें परीक्षा अधिकारी और आदि पेश होगी इसमें नौकरी वेतन भत्ते भारत में होने वाली भर्ती है और जो 1 साल की भर्ती होगी इसमें 40000 

भारत किए अग्नीपथ सेना भर्ती आर्मी भर्ती में शामिल होने वाले युवक की भर्ती 17 साल से 21 साल के बीच रखी गई है इस भर्ती में 4 साल की सेवा रहेगी या 4 साल की सेवा में रईस में कुछ ट्रेनिंग भी दी जाएंगी और हर साल भत्ते में वृद्धि की जाएगी हर साल सैलरी बढ़ाई जाएंगी सरकार के द्वारा और सरकार के द्वारा 

भारत सरकार के द्वारा अग्नीपथ भर्ती में चयनित होने वाले लोगों के लिए यह बहुत फायदा मन होगा इस आर्मी भर्ती में 4 साल सेवा देने वाले आर्मी मैन या युवक को सरकारी नौकरी वैकेंसी में छोटा सा आरक्षण मिलेगा अथवा उन्हें पेंशन निधि या अथवा सेवा निधि राशि उनको मिलेंगी इसमें पेंशन नहीं दी जाएंगी पर उन्हें सेवा निधि राशि उन्हें मिलेंगी जिसमें सरकार के द्वारा उनकी सैलरी से शुरुआती दौर में 30% राशि काट ली जाएगी वह उन्हें बाद में वह सेवा निधि के द्वारा राशि उन्हें उन्हें गवर्नमेंट द्वारा दी जाएंगी इस भर्ती में भाग लेने वाले लोगों के लिए एक बहुत सारा मौका है जो देश सेवा करने का मौका नहीं मिलेगा और इस 4 साल की देश सेवा में भाग लेने वाले लोगों के लिए यह सरकार के द्वारा निकाली गई कोई भी वैकेंसी में उनको आरक्षण मिलेगा या फिर 4 साल की सेवा करने के बाद कोई थल सेना वायु सेना जल सेना आदि किसी और से में जाना जाएगा तो उन्हें ट्रेनिंग दी जाएगी या अग्निपथ भर्ती लगभग 10 सप्ताह से 6 माह तक इसकी ट्रेनिंग चलेगी उसके बाद उनकी जोइनिंग होंगी शुरुआती दौर में सेना में लगभग रखी जाएंगी और वायु सेना में भर्ती होंगी और जल सेना में लगभग 3500 भर्ती होंगी भारत सरकार के द्वारा हर साल इस भर्ती में बढ़ोतरी की जाएगी 1 साल के बाद इसमें फल सेना में 40000 भर्तियां सरकार के द्वारा की जाएगी और वायु सेना में 4000 और जल सेना में 4000 और भारत सरकार के द्वारा अग्नीपथ भर्ती में 50000 सेना में भर्ती की जाएगी वायु सेना में 5000 जल सेना में भर्ती

It will be of great benefit to the people who are selected in the Agneepath recruitment by the Government of India, the army man or youth who have served 4 years in this army recruitment will get a small reservation in government job vacancy or they will get pension fund or or service fund amount to them. Pension will not be given in this, but they will get the service fund amount, in which 30% amount will be deducted from their salary by the government in the initial phase, they will be given that amount by the service fund to them by the government to participate in this recruitment. There is a lot of opportunity for the people who will not get a chance to serve the country and for the people participating in this 4 years service, they will get reservation in any vacancy taken out by the government or 4 years service. After doing this, if someone goes to Army Air Force, Navy etc., then they will be given training or Agneepath recruitment will run for about 10 weeks to 6 months, after that their joining will be kept in the army in the initial phase and will be placed in the Air Force. will be recruited in the army and the navy There will be about 3500 recruitments by the Government of India every year this recruitment will be increased after 1 year in this, 40000 recruitments will be done by the government in the army and 4000 in the air force and 4000 in the navy and in Agneepath recruitment by the government of India. 50000 will be recruited in the army 5000 in the air force will be recruited in the navy

India's Agneepath Army Recruitment: The recruitment of a young man joining the Army Recruitment has been kept between 17 years to 21 years, in this recruitment, there will be 4 years of service or in 4 years of service, some training will also be given in Raees and every year in allowance. Salary will be increased every year by the government and by the government

A new rule has been issued by the Government of India for army recruitment. There is a possibility of army recruitment in India through 4 0 0 0 0 to 70000 salary and 1200000 Agneepath and what is this recruitment of this recruitment named Agneepath What changes will bring in India Indian Army is a force which is the pride of India Indian Army has brought a new scheme by the Chairman Indian Army and the government of army recruitment in India, this scheme was named Agneepath, which will be recruited Army Army near it Youth will be recruited in the Air Force, Navy, soldiers will be recruited Agniveer is a great opportunity for the citizens who want to serve the country by becoming a part of the Indian Army, who want to join the love of the country and the motherland. Students who want to serve, want to keep such youth and hope to get a chance, in this competition Agneepath has been announced, an army recruitment will come out and soldiers will be recruited.was given the name of Agniveer, Senior Minister of Defense Ministry Rajnath Singh told that this pass in the cabinet regarding security will bring a biggest new change in India and told Rajnath that the recruitment which will be named as Agneepath Recruitment The soldiers of Gaya and the young men who will join this recruitment were given the name of Agneepath, the soldiers of army recruitment came and the cabinet minister in good governance took the decision, said that Agneepath is a plan in India, it is a new change in our army. Will bring and name the recruitment process in lieutenant general and army and explained it in detail that in India or recruitment will be according to qualification in this examination officer and etc. will present job salary allowances in India and which is 1 year's recruitment will be 40000 in itIt was passed in the cabinet, it will bring a new change in the biggest in India and told Rajnath that the recruitment which will be done was named Agneepath and the jawans and the young jawans who will join this recruitment will be named Agneepath. Army recruitment soldiers arrived and cabinet minister in good governance took its decision said that there are agneepath plan in india he will bring a new change in our army and lieutenant general and army recruitment process was named and about it in detail Told that in India or recruitment will be according to the qualification, in this the examination officer and etc. will be presented, in this, the job salary allowances is the recruitment to be done in India and which will be recruited for 1 year, it will be 40000.It was passed in the cabinet, it will bring a new change in the biggest in India and told Rajnath that the recruitment which will be done was named Agneepath and the jawans and the young jawans who will join this recruitment will be named Agneepath. Army recruitment soldiers came and it was decided by cabinet minister in good governance said that there are Agneepath plan in India he will bring a new change in our army and lieutenant general and army recruitment process was named and about it in detail Told that in India or recruitment will be according to the qualification, in this the examination officer and etc. will be presented, in this, the job salary allowances is the recruitment to be done in India and which will be recruited for 1 year, it will be 40000.He was given the name of Agneepath to the soldiers of army recruitment and in good governance the cabinet minister took the decision said that Agneepath is the plan in India he will bring a new change in our army and the recruitment process in the lieutenant general and army was named and It is explained in detail that the recruitment will be done in India or according to the qualification, in which the examination officer and etc. will be presented, in this, the job salary allowances is the recruitment to be done in India and which will be a 1 year recruitment, 40000 in it.He was given the name of Agneepath to the soldiers of army recruitment and in good governance the cabinet minister took the decision said that Agneepath is the plan in India he will bring a new change in our army and the recruitment process in the lieutenant general and army was named and It is explained in detail that the recruitment will be done in India or according to the qualification, in which the examination officer and etc. will be presented, in this, the job salary allowances is the recruitment to be done in India and which will be a 1 year recruitment, 40000 in it.There is recruitment and who will be recruited for 1 year in this 40000There is recruitment and who will be recruited for 1 year in this 40000

A new rule has been issued by the Government of India for army recruitment. There is a possibility of army recruitment in India through 4 0 0 0 0 to 70000 salary and 1200000 Agneepath and what is this recruitment of this recruitment named Agneepath What changes will bring in India has brought a new scheme by the Chairman Indian Army and the government of army recruitment in India, this scheme was named Agneepath, which will be recruited Army near it Youth will be recruited in the Air Force, Navy, soldiers will be recruited Agniveer is a great opportunity for the citizens who want to serve the country by becoming a part of the Indian Army, who want to join the love of the country and the motherland. Students who want to serve, want to keep such youth and are expected to get a chance, in this competition, an army recruitment was announced at Agneepath and the soldiers were named Agniveer, Senior Minister of Defense Ministry Rajnath Singh said that security regarding this in the cabinet it was passed in India I will bring a new change and told Rajnath that the recruitment will be named Agneepath Recruitment and the soldiers and the young men who will join this recruitment are given the name of Agneepath, the soldiers of army recruitment have come and good governance. In the cabinet minister took its decision said that there are Agneepath plan in India he will bring a new change in our army and the recruitment process in lieutenant general and army was named and explained in detail whether in India or according to recruitment qualification. In this, the examination officer and etc. will be introduced, in this, the job salary allowances are to be recruited in India and which will be 1 year recruitment, 40000 in it आर्मी भर्ती अग्निपथ .Army bharti news 2022,army agni pat vacansy,agni pat bharti news, india agni pat bharti,what is agani pat,india armi  agani 23

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